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  3. Incubation


Providing Business Incubation Services for Startups and Middle Stage Ventures

To “incubate” means to “maintain in favorable conditions to promote development”. KSP, Inc., the first business incubator in Japan, supports the start-up of business ventures and the growth of early and middle-stage companies in the favorable conditions of the Kanagawa Science Park.

Additionally, in collaboration with KISTEC, KSP, Inc. aims to create new industries by setting up R&D oriented venture businesses in the Kanagawa Science Park and promoting research cooperation among industry, academia and the public sector.

Strengths of KSP, Inc

Customized support by an Incubation Manager (IM)
The IM is assigned to each tenant company to deal with the various issues tenants face at different growth stages

Management of Venture Investment Funds
KSP, Inc. has set up and managed four investment funds since 1997. Through these funds, KSP, Inc. has invested in approximately 100 high-tech venture companies and achieved good performance to date.

Administration of KSP Business Innovation School
The key factors for successful management are the mind-set and skill-set of the management team. The KSP Business Innovation School aims to develop entrepreneurship in human resources. More than 400 business persons have graduated from this school. Three companies have successfully gone public led by graduates.
For details, see  The KSP Business Innovation School.

KSP Business Incubation Flow
