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KSP,Inc. has a network of domestic/international incubators and science parks etc. We contribute to the regional and international communities through the creation of new business with the cooperation of relevant organizations.
Then, KSP,Inc. will become a global platform for R&D companies in Asia by strengthening support for Japanese start-ups entering overseas market and promoting exchange between overseas venture companies and Japanese companies.

ASPA: Asian Science Park Association

ASPA is an international nongovernmental organization for the purpose of accomplishing the joint development in the fields of scientific technology, industry and economy in the Asian region. This organization founded in Japan in 1997 led by the forth President and CEO of KSP, Inc. Mr. Takao Kubo.
ASPA is made up of nearly 100 of science parks/organizations, corporate members and individual members in 20 countries/territories.

ASPA: Asian Science Park Association
ASPA: Asian Science Park Association

In ASPA, they hold an annual conference, award system “ASPA Awards” of growing companies and a business meeting of the supporting companies etc.
Click here for more information: http://www.aspa.or.kr/

Kanagawa Science Park held “the 19th ASPA Annual Conference” from November 8 to 11 in 2015.

More information:Click here

ASPA:Business Meeting ASIA 2019 in Bangkok

ASPA will hold ‘Business Meeting ASIA 2019 in Bangkok’ on May 16 (Thur), 2019.
If you are interested in discovering a new market in Thailand for your business and exchanging mutual technology and products, join the meeting.

< Business Meeting ASIA 2019 in Bangkok >
1.When: May 16 ( Thur), 2019
2. Where: Bangkok, Thailand
3. Organizers:

• Asian Science Park Association (ASPA)

• Daegu Technopark Mobile Technology Convergence Center (MTCC)

• Korea Industrial Complex Corporation (KICOX) Daegu Branch

• Thailand Science Park (TSP)

• Thai Business Incubators and Science Parks Association (Thai BISPA)

4. What: Business Matching Event with the SMEs in the fields of ICT, Electrics, Electronics, Machinery, Automation/Robot, Medical, Healthcare, etc



First-hand information, field experience and personal relationships are keys for international success.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour an Housing Baden-Württemberg offers strategic opportunity for business in target markets with its own foreign representative offices.

KSP, the japanese member of the network, supports small and medium-sized enterprises in entering new markets or solving specific questions and problems.

Click here for more information:
About Baden-Wuerttembeg

– News Release-


JASPA is an organization of science parks all over Japan that conducts research and exchanges information.
Currently, it consists of 8institutions, and we are in charge of the secretariat of this organization.